Master Design Jewels represents a commitment to bring new, unique and exciting products to the Jewellery industry and to our global customer base..  All our jewellery lines offer quality and value to the customers, from Sterling Silver to Diamonds and Semi-precious stones, our jewellery products reflect our mission and excitement about our industry.  From designer brands to traditional designs,  we strive to look for jewellery pieces that offer the most fashionable jewellery at affordable pricing.

Core Value

Quality, uniqueness, attention to detail and customer service is our model.


We endeavour to build close relationships with customers, building partnerships that will see everyone benefit.

“A beautiful piece of jewellery that is well made is a satisfied customer”

Master Design Jewels is  dedicated to bringing unique and exciting designer jewellery to the consumer.  With over 30 years of experience, our group is dedicated to working with major chains  independent stores, and ecommerce sites.   We are currently distributing worldwide,  name brand jewellery collections which involve our design team, manufacturing process , sourcing of gemstones,  and distribution to our valued customers,  on a timely manner. Out of our head office located in Toronto we manage the manufacturing and distribution of all our products globally.